
blogmas #25

Yay! Christmas was yesterday and I know I had promised to post yesterday, but for me, it was more important to spend time with my family and have a good time than spending my day in front of the computer. But first of, here is the promised picture of our Christmas tree, which I decorated all on my own!!
 I'm really proud of what I did with it!!
Also, I got a massive present! Now, I know there is a person thinking it's, like, a trip to LA, or Chicago, because that indeed would be massive, but it isn't. 
No, instead I got an iPod. Yup, an iPod and it's amazing. I always felt jealous because so many had one, and I hadn't, but now that I have it's awesome. I literally cried when I unwrapped it, which is something I always do when I'm like really happy. Or around Christmas in general. Honestly, you should see me sometimes!! I'm just sitting there, wheeping!
Today we will just relax and in the evening we are invited to our neighbours, who will have a Christmas get together.
On the down side, though, my mom and I have to go to the hospital tomorrow, because my grandfather had a stroke yesterday. He's feeling relatively fine, though, but it's still something to worry about, seeing as my grandfather isn't the youngest anymore... We'll see...

Still, I hope you all have a great Christmas and lots of presents!
Until then, don't eat too much chocolate!!


About people being nice

Well... this is not going to be included into blogmas. It's just something I really need to talk about, or else I might explode. Because I'm livid. Livid, because some people are just crap. I'm talking about some people in particular, because they are currently ruining my Christmas with being annoying and unseeing. Really, isn't it much much easier to just be nice and hold onto things that were decided about two months ago?? I know what I'm talking about doesn't really make any sense, but I don't want to go into detail... It just bugs me to no end that people are so unsocial with things that are so unimportant. There really are things that are more important to think and fight about, but no, I and some other friends of mine have to waste our strength and time to defend ourselves and fight with others, only because they are behaving like crap.
I stop rambling now, or else I get even more riled up, but I just had to tell someone, and if this someone is my blog, then so be it.
Until then, don't fight, because it's Christmas!
Spread love, not hate!

blogmas #23

OH GOSH, it's been way too long a break I had from posting blogs. And I'm honestly really sorry. It was just so hectic in the last few days, because it's only one more day til Christmas! I spent most of the week shopping for Christmas presents and I also went to a birthday party of one of my very good friends.
Also, I suffered from really bad headaches most of the week, so I couldn't get myself to do pretty much anything. I'm soorrryy, though, because I had promised to blog EVERY day til X-Mas and here I am, slacking around.

But anyways, for me, it doesn't really feel like Christmas at all, even though the holidays started yesterday and I already got my first present from Mia and also a lot of cards from friends and family members arrived. The main thing that keeps me from getting into the christmassy spirits is the weather. I know I had posted something about me not liking snow or the cold weather earlier this month, but I still believe in a white Christmas. And currently it looks nothing like it. AT ALL. Really, it's warm outside, I didn't even have to wear a coat earlier when I went out. The weather reminds me more of March than of December. And I doubt it'll change in the next 24 hours, so snow at Christmas Eve is out of the picture this year.

Anyway, even though it'd be nice, Christmas is not only about snow and presents, but about spending time with your loved ones. Currently, though, I have the feeling that many people don't know the meaning of Christmas anymore, especially the children. When I grew up, I wasn't anticipating the presents as much as I was looking forward to seeing all of my family. Nowadays, though, the children only want more and bigger present and they completely lose sight of what Christmas is all about. Especially with those advertisements for stores in TV and radio. Really, a shop is making advertisements with the slogan 'Weihnachten wird unterm Baum entschieden' which tranlates into 'Christmas is decided under the tree', basically meaning that it's the most important thing to have big and prestigious presents, mainly electronics, for Christmas. Also, the adverts are almost disgusting, with children fighting for the best presents and everyone simply laughing about them in a merry way. As if Christmas was supposed to be like that. I don't like that, I really don't.

For today, my mom and I have planned to decorate the Christmas tree, because we always do it on the 23rd, one day before Christmas. I'll post pictures, I promise, in the blog tomorrow.

Until then, don't eat too much chocolate,
xoxo Annie


blogmas #19

Hello everyone!!
Today I'm back and I actually did something! Well, first off, I had school until 4pm, but in my lunch break, I went christmas shopping!! Wohhoooo!! I honestly had no presents yet, and I told myself it was about time to start buying some stuff for the peeps. I ended up spending way more than I actually intended to, but I know the people the presents are goint to are going to be happy about them, so I guess it's okay, no?!
Also, I spent my ENTIRE afternoon, well, the bit that was left after coming home from school, with putting together the last present for Mia. It took me, I'm not kidding, 3 HOURS! Listen, Mia, three hours! Be grateful, will you!!
So anyway, obviously I'm not going to tell what I bought, because that would be pretty counter productive in the means of surprising Mia, but I guess you understand... <3

So until then,


blogmas #18

Hello... I don't really have anything to talk about today... This day was spent mostly on the couch, browsing the internet and watching TV... What else are you supposed to do at a wintery day, when it's cold outside and you are tired...

So here are some pictures, so this blog isn't a complete waste of time and space.
Until then


blogmas #17

Today, youtube is being invaded by people being awesome and aware. Aware that there are things in the world that are less desireable and people who are really really horrible off. There are people living in this world deserving our help.
That's what Project4Awesome is for.
Project for awesome is a worldwide project created by John and Hank Green, and is placed on youtube. Every year on December 17 and 18, people post videos about charities on their channels, raising awareness that there needs to be done something for the people that are less well off than us. There are a variety of videos online for this year already, and I think all of them are worth watching.

Even if you are not able to actually donate to these or any other charities, knowing and raising attention about the problems many people in this world are faced with is very important and crucial to decrease all the worldsuck that is in our world. Knowing is an action already.

I'm not telling you to go out and donate money to charities, because frankly I don't either, because it's just not possible for me, but I encourage each and everyone of you to go out and watch P4A videos and get to know about ways you can learn to make our earth a better place. There is no excuse for not doing anything. You are a person living in our world, so it's our duty to help make this world a better place.

Know that you can do anything, as long as you want to.
Until then, DFTBA(don't forget to be awesome)

Here are two videos I really liked:


blogmas #15

I guess today's my lucky day. You wanna know why?
Well, basically, academically I'm not that good recently, with almost all of my term papers being average to bad, so I was shocked today.
This day couldn't have been any better.
I started off having a pretty good latin lesson, where I was actually able to keep up with everything and had translated almost the whole text correctly. I'm never really this good normally!
After my latin lesson, I had English. English is my best and favorite subject, but still I didn't anticipate the lesson. Why? Well, I knew we were supposed to get back our term papers, and I had a really bad feeling about this one, only because I had dreamt I would only get 8 points, which is a C. You know, for me, a C is really bad, because I hadn't been worse than a B in the last two years. So when I got paper back, I didn't dare look in it, because I was really really frightened my dream would come true and I would get a bad grade. My friend Laura ended up opening it, and promptly threw it back at my head, literally! I opened it myself and started to freaking cry. I didn't have 8 points, I had 15, which is an A+, the best mark you can get. Believe me when I say I was shocked. I was trembling and mumbling incoherrently for the rest of the lesson, not able to speak to anyone really.
The next lesson was really relaxed, because we started watching a movie, Slumdog Millionaire. We had read the book before and now am going to compare the two to each other. It was relaxed, because we had already seen the movie with my German teacher two years prior, so we basically knew what it was depicting. Still, after reading the book, my picture of the movie changed, because compared to the novel, it's really not that good...
After watching the first part of the film, I had a lesson of Biology, where we got a term paper back as well. I'm not that good in any of my science classes, so I was glad when I had 9 points, which is a C+. We mostly talked during the lesson about the upcoming exams, well, they're in May, but our teacher's are very keen on preparing us properly.
Then I had German, where there was a presentation of one of my class mates. We spent the rest of the lesson talking about the topic and didn't really do anything.
My sixth lesson, directly before lunch, was going really well, too, because the test we were supposed to have was cancelled. Like I said, I'm not so good at science, so I was pretty glad.

The only not so great thing about this day, apart from being soaking wet after walking home in a down pour, even though I had an umbrella with me, was lunch. I had taken an instant pasta dish, you know, like Ramen noodles, with me and the only thing I needed was hot water. So I walk into the lunch hall, look around and what don't I find?? Right, a water kettle. Believe me, I was pissed, because I still had lessons after lunch and I was hungry. And I'm cranky when I'm hungry.
Anyway, the last two lessons were gym and me and a friend where supposed to lead a lesson. We had prepared everything really well, and everything went great. We had prepared a little work out and after that introduced them to dodgeball, which is completely unknown where I live. We had a lot of fun, really! After the lesson I walked up to my teacher, asking for the mark and she said it would definitely be either an A or an A-. I was kinda stoked about it, because I'm not the best at gym, so any good mark helps me raise my semester grade!!

So that's it, that was my lucky day!
Until then,


blogmas #14

Today I'd like to talk about Christmas episodes of TV shows... I haven't watched too many, actually but I wanted to talk about them, still.

1) Dr. Who christmas specials: OMG, they are awesome. I have the feeling that the Christmas specials arre better than some of the regular episodes, only because there are Santas and elves! I especially loved the episode between the first and second season, with the new Doctor sleeping half the time while the rest of London was attacked by some mad Santa Clauses!! On the other hand I didn't like last year's episode that much, maybe because I was still fixed on David Tennant as the Doctor, maybe because it just really wasn't that good. I don't really know...

2) Misfits' Christmas episode: It was awesome, hilarious and super exciting at the same time. I mean, come on, them giving up on their powers and a baby being born at Christmas Eve in one Episode, what is there more to come? I especially liked the fact that Nathan wanted to give all his money that he got for his power, it was on the A-list, after all!, to Marnie and her baby. Also very cute is that he got so attached to the little one and was a dad in like 0.1 seconds!! so sweet. Nathan's not just the annoying, vulgar guy, but really sweet at heart. Me likey!

3) Glee christmas episodes: Gosh, that's the reason I'm writing this post in the first place! I watched this year's episode earlier today and it was amazing! I laughed through the entire time it was in black and white, except for when Rory started reading from the bible. It was really well done, in my opinion, better than the first one, even, and that one had been great already. I was falling down my chair when I saw Noah and Finn being dresses as if they were from Star Wars! It was so hilarious. The only thing I don't like was the bratty behavior of Rachel. I mean, she had been really nice and getting better during the first episodes of season 3 and then she turns back into this high maintenance girl with one thousand wishes. I mean, she's JEWISH, she's not even supposed to celebrate Christmas or even get presents!
And I hated Artie, but that's common knowledge that I really can't stand him. He had PROMISED Sue to sing for the homeless people and as soon as there is something that gets him fame, he forgets all about it and doesn't care that there are other people that have more urgent needs than what he  has. Urgh, I just really don't like him, never have, never will. My best friend, Mia, and I call him Howie, because we weren't able to remember his name in the first season and it just stuck... Howie is stupid...

anyway, until then
keep on watching!


blogmas #13

I think we have reached a point where I can tell you a story. I kinda embarrassing story. About last year's Christmas...

Well, it all started reasonably nice, with the exception of me flipping out when I saw the presents I got(Glee season 1, Glee calender, CD from Freelance Whales!!!, etc.) So it actually wasn't that bad. It was rather nice and christmassy really.
But then, when everyone had gotten their presents, my mom announced that she had another present for me. I was like, oh great, more presents! YAY! My mom went out of the sitting room and left me with her best friend, who always celebrates Christmas with us two(I live with only my mom). She didn't take long to fetch what ever she wanted to get and announced her coming back in. Except it wasn't her, well at least not her alone. I know, you think she got someone awesome with her, like Darren Criss, who's just at the top of my head, for really no particular reason... Well, let me just tell you that it wasn't Darren Criss, or any other HUMAN for that matter. It was rather...

... a muppet. Yup, my mom had gotten me a pretty large muppet. Elmo, to be exact. I will tell you my reactions:

4)I started crying.
Yes, I started crying because a freaking puppet. And it weren't tears of happiness. I was terrified! It is really large and scary looking, in my defense, even though it is ELMO!!

I love the muppets and especially Elmo. I know technically he's not a muppet, because he's from sesame street, but still. I now really love it to no end, but it's still slightly scary, that's why it's never in my room. Thinking about waking up in the middle of the night having this puppet stare at you gives me shudders!!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this christmas story with you guys...

until then,
don't get terrified!


blogmas #12

Okay, this is going to be very short, but I just wanted to tell whoever wants to listen that I'm not in the likes with technology. Really, I hate everything that is more intelligent that I am and apparently our printer is. Really, do you have to study physics or something only to change the cartridges?? I had to print my english assignment in blue, only because I was too stupid to figure out how to put the new clour in... Hrmmpf, I do not like that...

On a happy note, I wrote my last exam for the semester today and I actually knew more than I thought Ib would. I was still very bad, mind you, but I think I have at least one maths problem right... There's still hope!!

Until then,


blogmas #11

Okay, so I really wanted to post something yesterday. I really wanted to tell you about my gift shopping trip. And I had planned to do it after reading a few pages of Mockingjay(SO GOOD). And I honestly wanted to close my eyes for only a little moment, but when I woke up it was 8.30... I was still wearing the big hoodie from the night before, for heaven's sake! I'm glad I didn't die of heat during the night!!

So I guess I have to tell you now...

It started in a huge chaos! My friend that I went with had texted me saying she would pick me up at my place at 9.45 so we could go to the train station by car. You have to know, it had started snowing the night before and it was like really bad outside. Knowing me, I would've fallen had I walked to the train... So I was waiting for her at 9.45. And I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting, but she didn't show up. I was really starting to worry, because the streets were icy and there could've been an accident. There wasn't. She arrived, like, 8 minutes before the train was supposed to leave, apologizing profusely. She had had to wait at the traffic lights for almost ten minutes, because they had been acting crazy and wouldn't turn green. In the end she followed the car in front of her driving at red.... So we rush to the train station, well, we rushed the good we could, and arrived at the train in time. So we hurry towards the platform and we are, like, a foot infront of the rails, when the barriers go down, keeping us from reaching the train on time. It really were maybe 10 seconds!! You can imagine how frustrated we were.

After thinking about what we would do, we decided against waiting for an hour to catch the next train and drove to the nearest bigger city by car. We actually didn't want to go there, because it doesn't have a Starbuck', but we really weren't in the mood of waiting.
And the trip there actually paid out well. I got soo much stuff, though most of it are not really presents at all. I felt kinda bad at the end of the day... Anyway, I got great stuff, so that's all that matters!

I guess I'll have to do some more gift shopping where I live, now, but that's okay...
I really just wanted to tell you about my adventure!
Until then,


Blogmas #9

The most wonderful day of the year... I can't wait for Christmas, it's only 15 more days... Tomorrow I'll go gift shopping, and then it's almost time to celebrate. Time can't go by fast enough in my opinion. 15 more days...

Isn't that pretty? I ♥ Christmas...



I'm sooooorrrryyyyy.... =(
I'm a horrible blogger... really, I just couldn't get myself to write anything in the last to days... I got back to being sick and that meant sleeping the whole afternoon... And yesterday I had a workload of stuff to do for school, so anything else was pretty much not in the picture... okay, that's a lie, I watched the new glee episode... three times?=D I don't know if you know, but I'm in LOVE with Glee. Like, really very much. Angry Blaine was... RAWR!! =)

What I actually wanted to talk about today was my favorite books. I'm a big big book nerd and I spend a whole lot of money on Amazon to get new books. Here are a few of my favorites:

1) The Hunger Games Trilogy: BLOODY BRILLIANT, pun intended! I haven't finished Mockingjay yet, but I really liked the other ones. I would suggest everyone who likes good books to read them, preferably in English, because, for example, the German translations in almost every book sucks. Big time.

2) Books by John Green: I don't even have to take a specific one, because all of his books are amazing. Well written, funny, sad at times, with a whole lot of pop culture references? That's really all you need to have a good book, don't you think? I can't wait to get my copy of his latest novel, 'The fault in our stars'. OH, yeah, it'll be signed!

3) 'Anna and the french Kiss', by Stephany Perkins: SO ROMANTIC AND SWEET! I read it in two days, it was just soo lovely!

4) '13 little blue envelopes', by Maureen Johnson: Also, a really great book, along with its sequel, though I liked the first one better. It's cool to see a person travel because someone else wants her to... Might sound weird like this, but you'll get what I mean when you have read it. It's really cool.

5) 'Just don't fall', by Josh Sundquist: It's a little out of order with the other ones, because this is a biography of paralympic competetor Josh Sundquist. It's his story how he coped with his cancer and his life to success, even though he has only one leg. It's really emotional and inspiring.

6) 'Mr God, this is Anna', by Fynn: This book, this little book, has such a pretty message. I bought the book after beginning to listen to the audiobook, only because I wanted to have it in my hands and be able to highlight things. It's such an amazing book, even if it only tells you about a little girl, the most inspiring little girl you'd EVER meet. I can only reccomend it!

I think that's it for now. So some people could think now, why I didn't include the Harry Potter books. You know, Harry Potter's just not only a book to me, it needs its own category. It's a life-filling world of complete and utter awesome. There, I said it. Harry Potter's not just a book, it's an attitude to life.

Until then, keep reading!


Blogmas #5-AM I FOR REAL?!

Soo, do you remember what I posted, like, two days ago? Something about the weather being like it's in April? Yes, I said that. Well, I guess the weather decided to actually start to behave appropriate to the month. 
When I walked to school this morning it was raining. Like really badly.
When I was in school, we had a little bit of sleet.
When I went home from school, it slowly began to snow a little more than rain.
Now it looks like this:
It's a little blurry, because it's dark already, but there's about 2-3sm of snow

So I guess this is the first dnow of this year's winter. I'm not saying it is the first snow of the year, because about 9 months ago, it looked like this: 
   We had about 30cm of snow from November '10 to early April '11...
I'm curious as to what this winter is going to bring us. I mean, I'm not living in the coldest areas of the world and we still had two really hard winters in a row... 
We'll see...
until then, don't slip! 


Blogmas #4

today, I'd like to talk to you about Christmas movies. I love watching Christmas movies throughout the entire year, even though some people think it's weird. Here are my favorites:

1. Love actually : I have seen this film probably 100 times already, and I still love everything about it. I'm not that big a fan of Hugh Grant, but in this movie he's lovely and dorky and really good. Also, the wedding scene? SO romantic!! I really love this film and am sure I'll watch it in the next few days again. It's soo great!

2. the holiday: I LOVE it! It's just soo sweet and romantic and I cry everytime I watch the film. It's just so sweet how Jack Black's character cheers up Kate Winslet's character, or how Jude Law act with the children. Mr. Napkin face is just soo adorable! Really, if you haven't watched it yet, please do, it's just soo lovely!

3. Home alone: I grew up watching it EVERY Christmas and it's just soo funny. 'nuff said.

4. Jingle all the way: Also a film I grew up with. I still have it on VCR, but it's so old I'm probably not going to be able to watch it... =( It's just sooo funny and sweet!

Also, there's a TV show I watch every Christmas season, because that's the only time it is broadcast in Germany. 'the secret world of Santa Clause' It's awesome, even though it's for like, pre-schoolers, but I still watch it whenever I stumble across it!!

I hope you'll have a nice rest of the day, I'll be on a really nice Christams concert at my church this evening. I'm going to love it, I already know!!

Until then,


Blogmas #3

Soo... like I said, I was out sick the last few days. There's this thing that happens to me when I'm sick, you know? Yeah... I get bored. Like, really really much and when I'm bored I tend to be really moany and I literally nag the whole day. So to prevent me from getting bored, I browsed the webs, on the search of something to do that kept me from becoming really nasty to be with!

Now, anyone who knows me at least a little bit knows that I'm freaking obsessed with TV shows. Honestly, I love watching TV shows and if I like one really much, it could happen that I watch every season available in one go. Which is what happened. Yup. I watched, or currently am watching, an entire TV series, only to not get bored. I mean, I could do other things, like learning for school, because there are two really important exams for me coming up, or I could finish reading that one book that I should have had finished last week... OR I could do homework! I still have to write an entire chapter to hand in in my English class...

But no, I watch a TV show. In my defense, it's awesome. It's called 'Misfits'. It's british, which is a plus, it's science fiction, which is even better, and it's hilarious, which is the cherry on top. Seriously, it's amazing. The characters are so well written, I am laughing or feeling with them the entire time, which is really something I look for in a TV show.
If you want to, you can check it out! Like I said, it's A-MAH-Zing!

On a side note: The weather currently going on around me is reminding me next to nothing of Christmas. It's December, for heaven's sake, where's the ice and snow? It's weather like we have in April, APRIL! Come on!

until then,
keep on watching!


Blogmas #2 - I look forward to:

So... I had actually planned on blogging EVERY day in December up to Christmas, but I failed at the very first day. But it honestly wasn't my entire fault...Well, actually it was... Anyways, yesterday I was so sick I had to sleep the entire afternoon and wasn't able to do pretty much anything, so blogging was out of the window for me.

Anyways, I really hope I can make it up to you in blogging every day from now on. And because tomorrow's weekend and I'm still out with a cold and feeling pretty much like an elephant trampled over me, I'm pretty sure I'll find the time to write something.

So for today, I'd like to tell you what I look forward to the most for Christmas:
- cookies: I loove Christmas cookies. Not only eating them, but also baking. It's just a wonderful feeling to be in the kitchen for a couple of hours, smelling the delicious flavors of the different cookies and later be able to indulge in them. Be sure to read some recipes in later blogs!

- the calender: In Germany and I think also other countries in central Europe, we have a tradition. Every child (or whoever feels like a child!) gets a calender with 24 little doors, or presents, each present for the days from the 1st December up until the 24th. Most of these calenders contain little chocolate figurines, but you can also make the calenders on your own, with little presents varying from lipbalm to fluffy socks! Most of these presents could be found in a stocking, but we don't have that in Germany, so we compensate with the calender. This year, my best friend Mia have decided to give little presents to each other, so we have a little chocolate calender, as well as a slightly bigger one, with more personal little presents. I'm SOO looking forward to them!!

- the music: I am in love with Christmas carols. Personally I think there's nothing that can make the Christmas time better than the music accompanying it. It just makes me all fuzzy and... it's just lovely...

- snow: Now, I'm not a wintery kind of person. I really don't like the cold and snow is pretty much the last thing on my wish list. Except for Christmas. I think Christmas is only a real Christmas if there's at least a little bit of snow on the ground. It makes it all the more comfortable to sit inside, cuddled into a blanket, a cup of tea at your side, reading a good book and just feeling content. And that's what I love about Christmas: the content feeling that comes with knowing you are right where you belong to be: in the midst of your loved ones

So I'll see you tomorrow, I promise!
Until then, xoxo



It was a month of crazy. Of ups and downs, of being close to just delete the whole thing, sit down in bed and cry because everything just sucked. But there were the moments that stood out: the first 10k, half time, the last 5k and not to forget, the feeling of having succeeded.
Of course I talk about NaNoWriMo.
Nanowrimo is something everone who's interested in writing should have experienced at least once in his or her life. It's a month full of nothing but writing, because there's just not enough time to do anything else. But that isn't a problem, because the reward you get after finishing is all the more fulfilling than anything else. You don't get a prize, no money, not even a cool shirt, all you get is your contentment and knowledge that you finished something you started in a minimal amount of time, because really, 30 days is not much to write 50.000 words. Especially not for a student who has to be in school most of the day.
But anyone can make it, as long as you have enough will power to push through it. If you start up saying you won't be able to make it to the end anyways, don't even bother starting, because with that attitude you sure won't. But if you say, let's do it and see where I'll end up, it's almost no burden to write the novel. Really, love the journey more than the prospect of success. Because it's true, the more you love the writing in itself, the less you care about whether you win or not. But only as long as you have a good attitude towards it.

So to anyone who wants to try it, DO! It's so worth it and I know already that I'm going to engage in this madness next year again.
Until then, xoxo


On being a senior in school

Being a senior has good and bad sides to it. Really. At first you only see the cool things: You're allowed to leave school grounds have more freedom in what you do in class and are, best of all, the oldest in school, which should bring you some respect (not so in my school, it isn't! Gosh, I hate the 10-15 year olds, they are soo annoying!)
But then, yeah, when you actually are a senior, you see the stuff that's less good about the whole ordeal. Huge amounts of homework, subjects that are nearly not manageable, tests and exams upon tests and exams, all the teachers want you to be the best at their subject, and with 13 subjects this can become quite a hassle... And did I mention this brats that run around school, thinking they freaking own the place and are just plain rude to you. Yup, that's what you get from being a senior...

I for one am going to more that happy as soon as I gruaduate and move on to university. There, I won't be a senior anymore, and really, anything is better than being a senior!!


25k and counting

I really don't know if I told it on here, but I'm currently taking part in this thing called NaNoWriMo. It's a world wide event every year's November, where you attempt to write a novel in 30 days. It has to be at least 50.000 words. Which is a lot.
At first I thought I'd never make it. Sure, I write in my free time all I can, both Fanfiction and originals, but I always have a problem with finishing what I write.
When I started on the first of this month, I was promising myself not to stop with it. I have a nice story line with a few ups and downs, everything a good book needs. So I made myself a calender with nice and encouraging sentences for every day. And so far, it's going splendidly. I just reached the 25.000 word marker and I have a whole lot more of story line in my pretty little head. It's in my head, because I don't story board. I have problems with writing down rough drafts of what is supposed to happen and then actually writing it. It's just not my style...

What I actually just wanted to get out was that everyone can write a book, as long as you have a good idea and enough encouragement to pull through. Don't let yourself be told that you can't do it, because you're no trained writer. Really, every good novelist started out just like us, as an amateur.
So stay focused, as do I and finish that thing!!

Lots of love, encouragement and candy to devour
your Annie


adorable pictures to post while I'm too busy to write anything because I have to write an original in 30 freaking days! #4

I'm a nut case!

I just wanted to tell you this... I'm a nutter... I wrote 15.000 words in 6 days, listened to one song, ONE SONG (Uptown Girl, sung by Glee's Warblers), for a day, straight, and am now starting to listen to Christmas songs, because I'm in the mood for it... Also, I am haunted by this idea of a new fanficion, including these two people:

Yup, Lea Michele aka Rachel Berry, my role model, she's amazing! 


  Curt Mega aka Nick Duval, one of the Warblers... 
The one singing Uptown girl... *sigh*

I so want to write this fanfiction, because there's so much potential, because we don't know a lot about Nick... It would be EPIC!
But sadly, I have to write 35.000 more words until the end of the month and with all these tests coming up, I don't know where I will get the time to do it... Also, I have two other fanfictions going right now, I don't want to let them waiting only to start a new one... *sigh*... it would be so good, though...

Well, until then, I'm going to resume writing...


Ode to Luke Conard

I want to tell you a story.

Last year, in May, I was perusing the youtube world for anything related to the then new musical of Team Starkid, AVPS. I was looking for anything, really, to take away the tension I felt of knowing that the musical had been performed, without me knowing what it was about, because, let's face it, Germany is a rather long stretch to travel for a musical. Money was pretty much non-existent, then.
After hours upon hours (okay, not really) of searching the internet, I stumbled across this video, of the lovely Mr Alex Carpenter.

I got very interested in the community of friends he was living with, their home fondly being called, Echo Base. (I don't know anything about Star Wars, having never ever watched it, and honestly I'm not intending to anytime soon, but this one lovely friend of mine told me what it was. I didn't quite get it... Anyways!)

Through Alex's channel I found out about one Luke Conard, musician and producer of damn amazing music. I was immediately fascinated by his talent and watched all of his videos, subscribing after watching only a few of them.
So I began following his work via Youtube and twitter and became more and more amazed by him. Really, he is absolutely talented in everything he does. Through him and Alex as well, I found out about a lot of people I'm subscribed to now on Youtube. Thanks for that, Luke and Alex!
He also won a competition, called NextUp, where he was given money to further improve his videos and also was able to attend a Youtube camp, to learn new techniques. You can really see that he learned a lot, because his videos are even better than they were before, and that's saying alot because his videos had been awesome even before he was in that camp.
With NextUp, came someone else. Ingrid.

Yes, Ingrid is bubbly, and loud, and sometimes, a little, little bit annoying when she's this hyperactively happy, but in the end, you just want to hug her. The only downside, and it isn't even a downside, really, that came with Ingrid, are these annoying as hell comments, in the likes of 'OMG, Luke and Ingrid should so date!' Really? Yes, they are cute, but isn't it their own business what they do? I like them, no matter what they are, dating, a couple or a pair of dinosaurs!! Sometimes, I even think that their relationsship is the one I'd have with a sibling, not with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

What you can say, though, is that with Ingrid, a whole new liveliness, came into the videos of Luke. I'm not saying his videos have been dull before, on the contrary, do I have to remind you of these dangerous chair maneuvers?? It's just different now, in a good kind of way.
Also, all those people saying that Luke befriended her to get her followers to subscribe to him, it's complete bogus! Honestly, it's not as if Luke didn't have ANY subscribers before!

All in all, I just wanted to tell you that Luke Conard is pretty cool... If you haven't figured that out by now!! =)
Please visit his channel on youtube and, maybe, subscribe?, if you think he's as cool as I find him to be.

Until then, xoxo


The art of baking

Hello there!

I know I didn't post anything for a while and I'm SORRY!
But with school and real life, everything else does not have my main focus right now!

but I found a pasttime that I'm enjoying thouroughly, so I wanted to tell y'all about it: Baking!

I don't know why I never really baked, and I have to say it's a shame I didn't, because really, it's so relaxing and wonderful!

Today, I made this yummy pumkin cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting. The idea was brought to me by Blair aka juicystar07.

Look at these!!!

The only thing that took long was making the pumpkin puree, because we don't have such things where I live, so I had to cook it myself, but it wasn't that hard.
The rest was pretty easy and although I have never iced anything, not even cake or so, I think I did a pretty good job.
I'm thinking about adding a category to this blog, where I show you my baked goods from time to time... Yes, I think I'll do just that.

Until then, xoxo Anna


Ready... Set... Ginger!!

YES!! I am, as of now, the proud owner of a red mane!!
You want proof?

Okay, you can't really see anything, but it's red, I promise!! Maybe a little closer...

hmm... no, it's still not picking up properly...

Anyways, you will ask yourself now, why did she do it? She had so pretty hair! (why thank you, you really thought so? That's so nice of you! Really!) But I have my reasons, three, to be honest.
  1. I need red hair for my halloween costume. Really, that was the original deal, dye your hair for a little bit and then wash it out. I doubt I will, though, wash it out, I mean. It's so pretty!
  2. I am 18 years old and, apart from maybe a little dye to make my hair darker, I had never really experimented with hair colors. I'm not saying I'll turn pink, like this lovely lady, or blue or green, or blonde, but you really need to have some fun with your hair color. You're young, you can do it!
  3. Gingers are so much cooler. Period.

Okay, so I'm a red-head now, hopefully for a little longer...
until then, xoxo


Sometimes, it's more important to just look...

Here are some very nice places that I have been to in the last months/years...

Let these beauties inspire you to be a beauty yourself, no matter how you look or feel...

Turkey '09: A walk way to the sea

Palm trees in Turkey

The little walk way I always took to my summer job

The front lawn of a house I come by very often

Sometimes, it's not important what you do, or what you think, just be...


7 days of Malta-7 days of crazy

Really, I've been home for almost a week and still didn't sit down to write anything about my school trip to Malta. But here I am now and I'm going to tell you what went on on that little island in the Mediterranean.

Day 1-Sunday:
We met up on a Sunday at the airport to go to Malta. It was still pretty early, well, it was 10 o'clock... But it was Sunday, so it was early! We were supposed to meet at a certain time at a certain time, and, at said time, all of us had been there. All of us, except for our teacher. Yup, we waited about twenty minutes for her and already we had a really tight schedule. We ended up being REALLY late for our flight, but we made it and, thus, were on our way to lovely Malta.

We arrived at about 4 in the afternoon at our hostel and got our rooms. The rooms were more like little apartments, without kitchens, of course, but we had a little privacy in each room, even though doors are really a foreign word in this hostel. We were lucky to have a bathroom door. Instead our toilet was leaking, but that's another story.

Anyways, we got our rooms and made ourselved comfortable, well as comfortable as you can get in a country you don't know and in a room where hygiene is not that big of a word. I was in a room with one of my very good friends, Valerie, and three other girls, two of them, who were really nice, though 'I don't have too much to do with them. The thirs however... let's just say that I was a LITTLE annoyed with her after a mere few hours. But I'll tell more about it later.

The rest of the day was spent with cooking and having dinner. We had made smaller groups before going on the trip. Each group would have day, where the group had to cook dinner and prepare for breakfast the following morning. Food really wasn't that big of a problem, most of the time we had really nice food.

The first day ended pretty early, we all were tired from the flight and the ride with the bus from the airport to our hostel.

Day 2-Monday:
On Monday, we drove woth the bus to Malta's capital, Valetta, a really small, but pretty city at the northern coast of Malta. We had a guided tour through the city and learned a lot about the island's history. We also visited the city's cathedral, St.John's co-cathedral. Let me just say, this church was AMAZING! The art work in the building was marvelous, honeslty breathtaking.
We also had a harbour tour with a little boat and saw all those little bays around Valetta. Really nice.

After we came back to our hostel we had some free time, which we used to try out this awesome pool we had in the hostel. It was huge, really, but the water was so cold!!!

Day 3-Tuesday:
The next day was mostly spent with riding the bus. We first had to go to Valetta, which was a bus ride of about 45 minutes. After that we had to take another bus to a little fishermen's village called Masaxlokk (do not ask how it is pronounced!). There, we visited a fish farm, which was, to be honest, horribly boring. Also, it was blazing hot and there was absolutley no shade anywhere!

Back home we had to ride the bus for even longer, which, in my opinion, was not possible! Before we went back to the hostel, two friends of mine, me and, yes, the girl from my room, stayed at Valetta to grab a bite to eat and to do some souvenir shopping.

Yes, this girl from my room was accompanying us, much to our chagrin. She didn't even ask if she could go with us, but just tagged along. I was really starting to get mad at her. Especially, because she dragged us in some trashy souvenir shop, because she wanted to buy a I <3 Malta shirt, but in the end didn't even look at the shirts, but more was nagging us about all this stupid stuff that was in the shop.

Day 4-Wednesday:
Wednesday, we had to get up really early to take a bus to Birzebbuga, where the Playmobil factory is.

For those of you who don't know, Playmobil is a toy for children. Playmobil are little figures of people with they're accessories and whole play worlds.

This is a Playmobil handyman

In the factory, we were able to see the figures being made. All of the figures that are sold around the world are produced in Malta. A very important thing for the little island.

After seeing the production, we also were able to play a little with the toys. Let me just say that I felt like a five year old again and enjoyed every minute of it!
After we went back to Valetta, we again had time to do what we wanted. We ate in Valetta again and then I had to go and buy myself a new pair of headphones, because mine broke.

Again, my LOVELY room mate came with us. By that time I was ready to throw her against a wall, because she wasn't only following me and my friends EVERYWHERE, no, she listened in in our conversations and made stupid comments about the things we were talking about. Really, that's just rude!
Thankfully, the two other girls in my room were so nice to cover for us whenever my friend and I would not be in our room. When the girl, let's call her Annoyaton, would ask where we were, the other two would say they didn't know, even though they very well did. Thank the heavens for nice people!

Day 5-Thursday:
Thursday hadn't any trips planned for us, because we had been allowed to have two days to our own. I ended up going with all my friends, and Annoyaton, to a little craft's village, Ta'Qali (pronounced: Tali), where we had the chance to see pottery and glassware being made. I bought a bracelet and a few charms for it, there.

After that, we moved on to Mdina ('Medina'), the old Maltesean capital. The little city was lovely to look at. Little alleyways were everywhere and everything was surrounded by a large fortification wall. In fact, the whole city a fort on a hill. We had the greatest view over the island from up there. Really. For me, this day was the best of all.

Day 6-Friday:
For Friday, there was only a little trip planned. We visited on of the desalination plants of Malta. I'm sure it would have been very interesting, hadn't our tour guide been horrible nervous and had he been better to understand. Like that, however, we just trotted along, looking at a few fish in some tanks. Plus, it again was blazing hot. I felt, quite litteraly, like butter on some hot fish... I was melting!

After we had lain down a bit over lunchtime, we drove to Sliema, were we went shopping. There is a grand shopping mall with a lot of shops, some of them unknown, but very good. We spent the whole afternoon there. Unfortunately, Annoyaton tagged along again and we didn't have that much of carefree time than we wanted to have.

Day 7-Saturday:
Saturday was our second free day, and we decided to go shopping again, but not before sleeping in a little. We had to get up early every other day, so we thought we could at least sleep a little longer on one day. sadly, at about 8 o'clock, there was a really stupid bird that was hammering against our window and we weren't able to get back to sleep then.

The whole day of Saturday we spent in Sliema again, doing some more shopping. It was a really nice day and it wasn't too hot, so it was perfect for shopping.

In the evening however, it became really cold and we still had to eat outside, on the porch. We all came out of our rooms, with blankets and towels for our legs. I for one, didn't pack for weather like that!

For me, the day ended pretty early, I just fell asleep, with all my clothes on, while in the room of our heavenly room mates, a party went on, because one of them had her birthday the next day so they wanted to celebrate a little.

Day of departure-Sunday:
On the day of our departure, we had to get up really early, because we were picked up to go to the airport at 6.25 am. We all were really tired and tried to get some sleep in the waiting area of the airport or on the plane, but I wasn't able to sleep because I felt nauseaous because of the smell of breakfast on the plane. Note to myself: do not order breakfast on a plane. It's most likely to be horrible. It was horrible, for me at least. I just don't like english breakfast!

After a little turbulance during the flight, we landed safely home at about 1.30 pm and made our way home.

All in all, the trip was nice. We saw a lot of things, had fun times, and not so fun times, but that's normal I think, with every journey you make.

Until then,
xoxo Annie

PS: Reese's NutRageous? BEST CANDYBAR EVER!!! =)


Pottermore, commence!

My bestie did this tag, so I do like her and will introduce me, HP-style:

  1. What's your Pottermore username? MidnightFeather168
  2. What House do you think it sounds like? Midnight=Darkness, Feather= makes me think of the colour green... Slytherin, definitely
  3. What House do you want to be in? I just got sorted... into Hufflepuff... First, I thought, okay, I can deal with that, now, I'm kind of freaked out, because I always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw... But it could have been worse, right? Could have been sorted into, urgh, Gryffindor!
  4. Does your username relate to you at all? Mehh, I have no problem with darkness and nights, also, I love to write, and what do you need to write in HP world, right, a quill=feather, so... yeah, I think so... Was definitely the best one of the few to choose from
  5. What kind of wand would you wish to get? Like I said(wrote) I was sorted, so I already have a wand. Mine's a 11 inch, Sycamore, with Unicorn hair as the core. Surprisingly swishy, also, what ever that might mean. Before getting this wand, I didn't even know there was a Sycamore tree, so, it's kinda unique, like me, right? I think it turned out pretty well.
  6. Are you pure, half-blooded or Muggle born? Pure Blood, without question.
  7. Which day did you get into Pottermore? I found the feather on day 5, didn't get my confirmation E-Mail until today, though. Really, I was getting desperate!
  8. What shape is your Patronus? It's either a cat that can scratch your eyes out, or a squirrel, because they are small and fast and intelligent. And cute.
  9. What does your boggart look like? O wow, either, it's the sight of all of the people that are important to me turning away from me, or earwigs... But I think it'd rather be the first...
  10. Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus? Metamorphmagus,maybe?! Really don't know...
  11. If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? A pygmy owl. They are cool. Owls in general are cool!
Okay, so that's all of the questions. I hope you enjoyed!!

until then,


Day of firsts

OMG guys, this day was not how I had expected it! It was, in its own way, amazing.

1) I'm normally the most prepared person when it comes to journeys or rides. Today however, it was nothing like that!
Like I told in the post before, I went to see the Glee movie today. To do that, me and my best friend had to ride to the next big city near us. So I made my way to the train station and had, in the end, two minuted to spare to get the train. This has NEVER happened to me before! I'm always over-punctual! Not so today, I wasn't.
Then, when we arrived at the central station, we had to take the underground to the movie theatre and I THOUGHT I knew which one we had to take. I didn't. We spent about 30 minutes for a ride that actually only took 5 minutes. Yes, I was a little embarrassed with myself. I honestly thought I knew the right way.

In the end we arrived at the right station and got to be at the theatre in time, though we had, again, only a little bit to get our tickets before they were given to others.
It was amazing. Truly amazing. There were tears. Several times. 'nuff said.

2) I have never before sat in a theatre and were able to give myself to the movie. Today I was. I squealed when ever I saw only a glimpse of Darren freaking Criss and sang to almost all the songs. It was an unbelievable experience. When the film ended, I really thought about staying put and watching it a second time. I want this movie to be my background music. I want this to play where ever I am.

3)The 3D experience was magical. I have watched HP 7.2 in 3D before, but it didn't feel this good at all. A few times I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I'm sure my heaven looks just like that.
It was as if all these amazing people were directly in front of me. Like, as if I could touch them. It's surreal. I mean, it was like they were right there, yet they are thousands of miles away.

All in all, this day was brilliant.

until then,


I almost forgot!

HA, I almost forgot to post something this week, because there's simply nothing to talk about, really. Well... what can I write about...

OH, yes, I'm going to watch that totally awesome Glee Movie in 3d tomorrow, with my lovely friend Inga! I'm so excited about it and I'm pretty sure I'll start crying as soon as the lovely Mr. Darren Criss is to be seen on the screen. OMG, it's my dream to meet this person, because I honsetly believe him to be absolutely amazing. I'm sure he's a lovely person.
Anyway, I was getting distracted be the thought of him!

Is there anything else?
Well, Glee started again and I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that this episode was better than some from season 2 together. Everything about that episode was making me squeal. Honestly, you should have heard me! I think I woke some neighbors! (I was watching the episode at 4 o'clock in the morning, because of the time difference between America and Europe. Let's just say I was tired the next day... =))

Well, I think that's it for now,
see you guys next time,
until then


Revelations chapter 17

Hey there,

here are some new pictures of Adele's clothing in chapter 17 of my story 'Revelation' on http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7209145/1/Revelations_Rewritten
If you don't know it yet, check it out if you like!!

First of, the top:

The skirt:

The sweater jacket:

The shoes:

The owl necklace:

The handbag:

The sunglasses:

All clothes, shoes and the sunglasses were found on topshop.com, the necklace and the hand bag were from accesorize.com. I do NOT own the pictures or items and I don't know if they are still available, because I found them some time ago.

until then,


I love this picture!!!

'nuff said! I think this is adorable!!
I think HE's adorable!!!
Gosh I'm in love with Darren Criss... *sigh*

until then, xoxo


End of an Era

Can a summer job change a person? At the beginning of this summer, I thought no way, that's not possible, but now?

Today was the last day at my summer job, selling souvenirs at our theatre. I never thought I'd have so much fun, make so many new friends and learn so many new things. But I did. And I wouldn't want to miss a single second of my three and a half months in my little store. We faced rain, much rain and cold winds, annoying little kids and their parents that just wouldn't stop nagging. But what didn't kill us only made us stronger as a team.
I don't know what I would have done had I worked some where else with different people, because people make an atmosphere feel good, nothing else.

The only thing I know I can say for sure is that this summer changed me for the better. I became more self-confident and sure in myself. I know now, that I can do everything, if I only want it. I believed in myself that, yes, I can face new people without knowing anyone and that yes, it's not bad to have your faults, because who hasn't. I was able to be myself and everyone accepted me the way I am. You can't always say that with the people that surround you on a daily basis, but the people I got to know in the last summer were all from the finest kind. Please don't ever change, okay?

So I'll just have to say, see you later, my dears from IV, until next year, when Winnetou starts saving the prairee again.

untill then, xoxo


OMG I'm soo bad at this

Really. Like, you would think that a person, who loves writing and reading like nothing else (well maybe except for tv shows, but that's another story!) could actually be able to maintain a freaking blog.
Well, I can't. And I'm honestly very very sorry for that. I suck.

But anyway. I am now pledging that I will at least try to post an entry once a week. I mean, it's my last year of school, there should be things to write about, no??

Today, for example, photos were taken from me and my class. At 2pm! Really, for some of my class mates, the school day had already ended at that time! Stupid photografer who can't even schedule properly...

Alright then, I try to get more up as soon as possible, if not, I give all of you permission to hunt me down and kick me in the butt!!!
xoxo <3


Me gots a youtube channel!!

Hello there,
I just wanted to let you know that I have a youtube channel! Yup, I'm doing vlogs and stuff and it's basically me rambling into a video camera...
Anyway, the link to it:


Feel free to visit!!

=)=) xoxo


Revelations 1-15

As promised, I am going to start posting pictures of my character's outfits from now on on this blog, so let's begin.

First of all the older pictures, that I already had posted on my account:

Aurora's wedding dress:

I found this dress at www.shopofbrides.com

Adéle's dress for her birthday:

Just imagine a dress like this, only the bodice is white as well and the skirt has a flowery like print on it. Also it has a waist belt, though Adéle wore it without the belt...

Now for the newest pictures: chapter 15+16

Adéle's outfit:

You can find both the shorts and the blouse at forever21.com.

The shoes I found at couture.zappos.com, it's a shoe shop with designer shoes, these are by Marc Jacobs.

Last but not least, the handbag:

That's it for now, I'll update this as soon as often

until then,