
Ode to Luke Conard

I want to tell you a story.

Last year, in May, I was perusing the youtube world for anything related to the then new musical of Team Starkid, AVPS. I was looking for anything, really, to take away the tension I felt of knowing that the musical had been performed, without me knowing what it was about, because, let's face it, Germany is a rather long stretch to travel for a musical. Money was pretty much non-existent, then.
After hours upon hours (okay, not really) of searching the internet, I stumbled across this video, of the lovely Mr Alex Carpenter.

I got very interested in the community of friends he was living with, their home fondly being called, Echo Base. (I don't know anything about Star Wars, having never ever watched it, and honestly I'm not intending to anytime soon, but this one lovely friend of mine told me what it was. I didn't quite get it... Anyways!)

Through Alex's channel I found out about one Luke Conard, musician and producer of damn amazing music. I was immediately fascinated by his talent and watched all of his videos, subscribing after watching only a few of them.
So I began following his work via Youtube and twitter and became more and more amazed by him. Really, he is absolutely talented in everything he does. Through him and Alex as well, I found out about a lot of people I'm subscribed to now on Youtube. Thanks for that, Luke and Alex!
He also won a competition, called NextUp, where he was given money to further improve his videos and also was able to attend a Youtube camp, to learn new techniques. You can really see that he learned a lot, because his videos are even better than they were before, and that's saying alot because his videos had been awesome even before he was in that camp.
With NextUp, came someone else. Ingrid.

Yes, Ingrid is bubbly, and loud, and sometimes, a little, little bit annoying when she's this hyperactively happy, but in the end, you just want to hug her. The only downside, and it isn't even a downside, really, that came with Ingrid, are these annoying as hell comments, in the likes of 'OMG, Luke and Ingrid should so date!' Really? Yes, they are cute, but isn't it their own business what they do? I like them, no matter what they are, dating, a couple or a pair of dinosaurs!! Sometimes, I even think that their relationsship is the one I'd have with a sibling, not with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

What you can say, though, is that with Ingrid, a whole new liveliness, came into the videos of Luke. I'm not saying his videos have been dull before, on the contrary, do I have to remind you of these dangerous chair maneuvers?? It's just different now, in a good kind of way.
Also, all those people saying that Luke befriended her to get her followers to subscribe to him, it's complete bogus! Honestly, it's not as if Luke didn't have ANY subscribers before!

All in all, I just wanted to tell you that Luke Conard is pretty cool... If you haven't figured that out by now!! =)
Please visit his channel on youtube and, maybe, subscribe?, if you think he's as cool as I find him to be.

Until then, xoxo

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