
fanfiction overload!!

Hey there!
So... I have a problem...
As some of you may or may not know, I'm an avid fanfiction writer and reader. And I love doing it, becasue writing is my passion and I can express everything I want with it. That's great, isn't it? Yes it is.

Now, lately I have been really busy with school, what with my A-levels having been and my oral exam coming up, so I haven't really had the time to write pretty much anything, which, to be honest, sucks, becaause my head is full of ideas that I want to make real, but I can't because there is no time for me to do so.
But that's not even it, really! The problem is that I have 4 fanfictions that need to be updated, and I really mean NEED to be updated, because I haven't really uploaded anything for at least a few months, and now my brain starts forming new ideas for a new fan fiction and I just have no time whatsoever to jot any of my ideas down. So now I have my head full of little snippets for the fanfiction in my head and I can't get rid of them, because I can neither write them down because of the lack of time, nor can I just simply forget them, because let's be honest, this idea is freaking amazing and this just can't be forgotten like that!!!

To top all things off, this isn't even the first time this has happened to me. Remember November, during NaNoWriMo? Yup, I started a new story back then, too, and it's my favorite so far, but I can't even write something for that jewel, because, again, there is just no time.

Okay, now I have rambled on and on about this matter and the time I have spent here I could have actually spent writing for my stories... Great...

Anyway, until then,
keep writing

Here's the link to my fanfiction account, if anyone is interested...


Tumblr is very weird to look through...

Soo, I did it. I got myself a tumblr. And it's kinda hard to look through it. I mean, okay, there's a button to post with, but there is so much more to get to know about in this huge world!
Anyway, I just thought I would let you guys know, because, hey, isn't it awesome to be available on so mayn levels while stil kind of remaining anonymous? I like the concept of this!!

If you look on the right side bar, you can see there are two links to both my tumblr and twitter. You can go there if you'd like. I really like company!

Until then, I won't forget to post here of course. While tumblr is al new and shiny now, I surely won't forget about this blog. I will seperate the uses of both these sites. I will still keep posting my normal blogs on here, tumblr's only really going to be a platform for me to show captions of my life and things I really like.

I'm also thinking about starting a little bit of a fashion thing here. I'll probably post a little haul in the next few days, because I'm going shopping tomorrow with my bestie Ria and I intend to buy me some new scrabs of fabric! With pictures, of course!


An absence of galactic proportions!

I'm really sorry, for the almost one month absence that I had. Life's currently going cray cray around me, what with final exams and my birthday coming up, adding to the normal pressure an 18 year old girl has to endure who is only a little bit away of graduation and the 'real' world of work/uni.

I promise I will start writing posts again as soon as all the school stress is over, which will be in about a week. Be prepared for a birthday post, hopefully with pictures, more book reviews(yes, I'm still doing my 30 book challenge), maybe some hauls, as well as more and more inspirational words from me. So stay with me, I'm not going anywhere!

Also, I was thinking about starting a tumblr account, where I will post pictures to capture moments of my life as well as inspirations, what I like, love adore, etc. I'll keep you updated on that, though.

Until then I leave you with a picture of the in my opinion prettiest girl there is on earth(at least I haven't seen anyone who is prettier!). I present you: Kimberly Whalen, actress, singer and wonderful person in one!! She's also the wife of my personal fortune cookie and life coach, Curt Mega. (I think I mentioned him once, or twice, before!!)


30 books challenge #5

Hey there! I just finished my next book on my list. I was actually very prejudiced about it, because I had to read it for school, and normally I don't like the books I have to read in class, especially the ones we read in English. They always end up dissapointing me, because they are either really boring or I imagined them really different and don't like what they end up to be.
But not so with this book!

The book's called 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbowsky. It's about a fifteen years old boy called Charlie, who's going through puberty and becoming an adult, while being a little different from the norm.

When I read the first few pages, I noticed that it was fairly easy written and you didn't need to think much about what you were reading, because you just understood everything, even as a non native speaker. Over the course of the book the style in writing changes though, at least that's what I got the impression of, probably because the main character develops into a more confident person, so his thoughts are more complex as well. The book is written in the form of letters, by the way, a thing I had to accostum myself to, because I normally don't read books written like that.

Also the subject of the book was very interesting, especially seeing someone grow up to who he ends up to be in such an inordinary way. I really liked the fact that you didn't get to know everything in the first place and you have to read further to actually learn everything.

All in all, I think this book is definitely worth giving it a try and I wouldn't mind reading it a second time!

4 stars out of 5

Fun thing: The book was written by the same person who wrote the screen play for the film version of one of my favorite musicals, 'Rent'.

other books I read:
- Queer Greer, by A. J. Walkley
books to read until I'm done with the challenge: 25 


If I owned Glee... #1

Okay, so this is going to be a new category. I think you all know that I am in LOVE with Glee and everything about is, so I thought it would be cool to start this kind of thing. You know, only because it's my favorite TV show of all times doesn't mean I'm happy with all of the things happening. So I will now start listing what I would do, if I owned Glee! Commence!
  • Rachel and Finn would NEVER be together. Okay, I have to admit, they are kinda cute at the moment, what with all the proposal stuff etc. but still, I just think they don't really match too well. Rachel would always have to give up things or dreams to be with Finn. I mean, do you really think Rachel can become the big Broadway star that she wants to be with Finn hanging onto her? I think not.

  • Jesse St. James would not vanish from sight without any notice. They did it twice already! I mean, in the first season you could understand why he wasn't there anymore, because he was heading to college, but he just vanished after season 2 without any explanation. For all we know, he could have been shipped off to who knows where or been abducted by aliens!

  • The Warblers would have major screen time! PREACH! I love the Warblers, personally I think they are the best that ever happened to Glee. I mean, who doesn't like dapper prep school boys, huh? With Blaine leaving the Warblers, the boys left kind of, too, except for the odd episode that they are involved with and it's a shame, really. I think you could make so much with them, it would fill episode after episode.

  • Sebastian would not be such an asshole. Okay, I know, every show needs a good-looking villain and I'm not against Sebastian being a douche, it makes me like him more, even, but the way he progressed into this really mean person really goes against all I like. He should be douchy, yes, but not outright cruel!

  • Okay, this one is, like, totally hypothetical, because this won't ever happen, but I want Rachel to be with Nick the Warbler. I mean, they are just perfect for each other. And I don't know if the actual writers have noticed, but the way they cut Wednesday's episode made me believe there was something between those two. Cutting from Rachel pointing towards the boys to a close up on Nick, looking a little beat down (because they had a fight before, obviously, because Rachel wanted Nick to step up and do something about the problem that is Sebastian) makes my fanfiction-writer heart just melt into nothingness! Believe me, you will notice some things when you watch the episodes with the focus on those two! 

Alright, I think that's it for now, but I'll make sure to continue with this.  Maybe there will happen things in the upcoming episodes that I don't like and want to do better and you are the first to know!

Until then,
keep watching!


30 books challenge #3

I have found the most perfect book in the world and I read it.
I might have talked about it before, but I'll say it again. John Green is one of my very favorite authors I have ever stumbled across. He's not only genuinely brilliant in everything he writes, he's also very funny and overall a nice man (I'm only assuming from what I have seen of him on Vlogbrothers, but that's quite a lot, so I deemed myself able to judge).
Last week, his latest book was published, 'The Fault in Our Stars'.

I'm not going to talk about what this book is about, the only thing I will say is that I have never laughed and cried more in a book before. It is, I dare say, the best book I have ever read in its genre ( young adult literature, in case you are curious). I fell in love right away and placed it right at the top of my list of brilliant books roughly after the first chapter.
I'm not going to review the book like I have done with the first one, basically because it doesn't need it. It is perfect the way it is and I have not even the slightest bit of criticism about it. I love it, dearly and from the bottom of my heart. I have been thinking about taking it back from my shelf and reread it, even though I only finished it a couple of hours ago. I want to carry it around in my bag everywhere I go, as my personal little bible (I'm not going to pray with it, trust me, but it has such a beautiful content, I want to keep it with me everywhere I go).

This book will have all the stars there are in the world, five are way too less to pay it a proper tribute. 

Other books I read:
-Choice, by A.J, Walkley 
books until I'm done with the challenge: 27


TV shows and their questions

Hey there, I was just browsing the blogs and found a funny tag thingy. It's about TV shows and questions to it. You have to choose your five favorite TV shows and then there are 17 questions to them that you have to answer.
So here are my favorite TV shows:

1) Dr. Who
2) Glee
3) How I met your mother
4) Misfits
5) Greek

And now here are the questions:

1) Favorite character from #2?
-There has to be a tie between two, maybe even three characters. Obviously, there is Rachel, who is kind of my role model. And then, there is Blaine, who I simply love to death and wouldn't want to miss in my life anymore. But I also love Sebastian, even though he's pretty much an asshole, in a very loevely way. And Nick. I love Nick. And Jeff. Gosh, I have way to many favorite characters!

2) Least favorite character from #1?
- Martha. Of all the companions, I liked her the least. I know I should probably like the Master or people like that the least, but I just couldn't stand Martha. Over the course of the entire third season, I was only waiting for her to leave...

3) Favorite episode from #4?
- Oh, wow, that's a tough one. But it's probably the one where Alisha finds out who the boy in the hood is. I really loved it. Or the christmas episode! That one was really awesome!

4) Favorite season from #5?
- Well, I would have to say season 3 was the best. Not because Casey and Cappie were finally together, but also because Rusty was beginning to become more seof-confident and I really liked that.

5) Favorite relationship from #3?
- Obviously, I love Lily and Marshall together, but I also loved Barney and Robin.

6) Least favorite relationship from #2?
- OMG, Finchel for sure. It's just... no. Just no. I can't stand it! To think it is actually considered end-game makes me... urgh, better not think about it!

7) Since when do you watch #1?
- Well, I started watching season 1 and 2 about 1.5 years ago, but I stopped halfway through the second season. I picked it up about half a year ago, though, and watched everything in about three months.

8) How did you get to know #3?
-Well, it was pretty well known all around and I just happened to watch it on TV once. I really liked it so I kept watching it. I'm not really watching episode for episode, but just watch it when ever I stumble across it.

9) Favorite actor/actress from #4?
- Iwan Rheon. He's so cool!

10) What TV show do you prefer: #1, #2 or #5?
- Even though I love them all, I have to say #2, because it's half of my live already and I wouldn't want to miss it.

11) From which show did you watch more episodes? #1 or #3?
- One definitely. I watched all 6 seasons.

12) If you could be a character from #4, who would you be?
- Kelly. I would definitely be Kelly, because she is awesome, and confident and I love her accent.

13)How would you kill your favorite character from #1?
-Well, that's a pretty tough question, because I have so many favorite characters from Dr. Who. I really don't know how I would kill any of them, because I really don't want to think about any of them as dead.

14) Would a #3/#4 crossover be able to make?
- I don't really think that would work, mostly because How I met your Mother is set in New York, while Misfits is in London...

15) Pick two characters from #1 and pair them up, so the relationship would be weird, but manageable.
- Donna and Rory would be really weird, because there is at least a fifteen year age difference, but it still could work, don't you think?

16) Which is the better cast? #3 or #5?
-Personally I would say #5, only because I can relate to them better and I have watched more of Greek than How I met your Mother.

17) Which one has the better theme music? #2 or #4?
- Well, that would have to be #4, because Glee doesn't have a theme music to begin with. But the song is really good in general!

Allright, that's it. I hope you liked it and if you want, you can answer these questions as well. I'd look forward to it!

Until then,