
fanfiction overload!!

Hey there!
So... I have a problem...
As some of you may or may not know, I'm an avid fanfiction writer and reader. And I love doing it, becasue writing is my passion and I can express everything I want with it. That's great, isn't it? Yes it is.

Now, lately I have been really busy with school, what with my A-levels having been and my oral exam coming up, so I haven't really had the time to write pretty much anything, which, to be honest, sucks, becaause my head is full of ideas that I want to make real, but I can't because there is no time for me to do so.
But that's not even it, really! The problem is that I have 4 fanfictions that need to be updated, and I really mean NEED to be updated, because I haven't really uploaded anything for at least a few months, and now my brain starts forming new ideas for a new fan fiction and I just have no time whatsoever to jot any of my ideas down. So now I have my head full of little snippets for the fanfiction in my head and I can't get rid of them, because I can neither write them down because of the lack of time, nor can I just simply forget them, because let's be honest, this idea is freaking amazing and this just can't be forgotten like that!!!

To top all things off, this isn't even the first time this has happened to me. Remember November, during NaNoWriMo? Yup, I started a new story back then, too, and it's my favorite so far, but I can't even write something for that jewel, because, again, there is just no time.

Okay, now I have rambled on and on about this matter and the time I have spent here I could have actually spent writing for my stories... Great...

Anyway, until then,
keep writing

Here's the link to my fanfiction account, if anyone is interested...

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, hey! I'm back so I thought I should leave you a comment, so you can follow me again! Luv ya!
