
blogmas #23

OH GOSH, it's been way too long a break I had from posting blogs. And I'm honestly really sorry. It was just so hectic in the last few days, because it's only one more day til Christmas! I spent most of the week shopping for Christmas presents and I also went to a birthday party of one of my very good friends.
Also, I suffered from really bad headaches most of the week, so I couldn't get myself to do pretty much anything. I'm soorrryy, though, because I had promised to blog EVERY day til X-Mas and here I am, slacking around.

But anyways, for me, it doesn't really feel like Christmas at all, even though the holidays started yesterday and I already got my first present from Mia and also a lot of cards from friends and family members arrived. The main thing that keeps me from getting into the christmassy spirits is the weather. I know I had posted something about me not liking snow or the cold weather earlier this month, but I still believe in a white Christmas. And currently it looks nothing like it. AT ALL. Really, it's warm outside, I didn't even have to wear a coat earlier when I went out. The weather reminds me more of March than of December. And I doubt it'll change in the next 24 hours, so snow at Christmas Eve is out of the picture this year.

Anyway, even though it'd be nice, Christmas is not only about snow and presents, but about spending time with your loved ones. Currently, though, I have the feeling that many people don't know the meaning of Christmas anymore, especially the children. When I grew up, I wasn't anticipating the presents as much as I was looking forward to seeing all of my family. Nowadays, though, the children only want more and bigger present and they completely lose sight of what Christmas is all about. Especially with those advertisements for stores in TV and radio. Really, a shop is making advertisements with the slogan 'Weihnachten wird unterm Baum entschieden' which tranlates into 'Christmas is decided under the tree', basically meaning that it's the most important thing to have big and prestigious presents, mainly electronics, for Christmas. Also, the adverts are almost disgusting, with children fighting for the best presents and everyone simply laughing about them in a merry way. As if Christmas was supposed to be like that. I don't like that, I really don't.

For today, my mom and I have planned to decorate the Christmas tree, because we always do it on the 23rd, one day before Christmas. I'll post pictures, I promise, in the blog tomorrow.

Until then, don't eat too much chocolate,
xoxo Annie

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