
blogmas #13

I think we have reached a point where I can tell you a story. I kinda embarrassing story. About last year's Christmas...

Well, it all started reasonably nice, with the exception of me flipping out when I saw the presents I got(Glee season 1, Glee calender, CD from Freelance Whales!!!, etc.) So it actually wasn't that bad. It was rather nice and christmassy really.
But then, when everyone had gotten their presents, my mom announced that she had another present for me. I was like, oh great, more presents! YAY! My mom went out of the sitting room and left me with her best friend, who always celebrates Christmas with us two(I live with only my mom). She didn't take long to fetch what ever she wanted to get and announced her coming back in. Except it wasn't her, well at least not her alone. I know, you think she got someone awesome with her, like Darren Criss, who's just at the top of my head, for really no particular reason... Well, let me just tell you that it wasn't Darren Criss, or any other HUMAN for that matter. It was rather...

... a muppet. Yup, my mom had gotten me a pretty large muppet. Elmo, to be exact. I will tell you my reactions:

4)I started crying.
Yes, I started crying because a freaking puppet. And it weren't tears of happiness. I was terrified! It is really large and scary looking, in my defense, even though it is ELMO!!

I love the muppets and especially Elmo. I know technically he's not a muppet, because he's from sesame street, but still. I now really love it to no end, but it's still slightly scary, that's why it's never in my room. Thinking about waking up in the middle of the night having this puppet stare at you gives me shudders!!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this christmas story with you guys...

until then,
don't get terrified!

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