
blogmas #15

I guess today's my lucky day. You wanna know why?
Well, basically, academically I'm not that good recently, with almost all of my term papers being average to bad, so I was shocked today.
This day couldn't have been any better.
I started off having a pretty good latin lesson, where I was actually able to keep up with everything and had translated almost the whole text correctly. I'm never really this good normally!
After my latin lesson, I had English. English is my best and favorite subject, but still I didn't anticipate the lesson. Why? Well, I knew we were supposed to get back our term papers, and I had a really bad feeling about this one, only because I had dreamt I would only get 8 points, which is a C. You know, for me, a C is really bad, because I hadn't been worse than a B in the last two years. So when I got paper back, I didn't dare look in it, because I was really really frightened my dream would come true and I would get a bad grade. My friend Laura ended up opening it, and promptly threw it back at my head, literally! I opened it myself and started to freaking cry. I didn't have 8 points, I had 15, which is an A+, the best mark you can get. Believe me when I say I was shocked. I was trembling and mumbling incoherrently for the rest of the lesson, not able to speak to anyone really.
The next lesson was really relaxed, because we started watching a movie, Slumdog Millionaire. We had read the book before and now am going to compare the two to each other. It was relaxed, because we had already seen the movie with my German teacher two years prior, so we basically knew what it was depicting. Still, after reading the book, my picture of the movie changed, because compared to the novel, it's really not that good...
After watching the first part of the film, I had a lesson of Biology, where we got a term paper back as well. I'm not that good in any of my science classes, so I was glad when I had 9 points, which is a C+. We mostly talked during the lesson about the upcoming exams, well, they're in May, but our teacher's are very keen on preparing us properly.
Then I had German, where there was a presentation of one of my class mates. We spent the rest of the lesson talking about the topic and didn't really do anything.
My sixth lesson, directly before lunch, was going really well, too, because the test we were supposed to have was cancelled. Like I said, I'm not so good at science, so I was pretty glad.

The only not so great thing about this day, apart from being soaking wet after walking home in a down pour, even though I had an umbrella with me, was lunch. I had taken an instant pasta dish, you know, like Ramen noodles, with me and the only thing I needed was hot water. So I walk into the lunch hall, look around and what don't I find?? Right, a water kettle. Believe me, I was pissed, because I still had lessons after lunch and I was hungry. And I'm cranky when I'm hungry.
Anyway, the last two lessons were gym and me and a friend where supposed to lead a lesson. We had prepared everything really well, and everything went great. We had prepared a little work out and after that introduced them to dodgeball, which is completely unknown where I live. We had a lot of fun, really! After the lesson I walked up to my teacher, asking for the mark and she said it would definitely be either an A or an A-. I was kinda stoked about it, because I'm not the best at gym, so any good mark helps me raise my semester grade!!

So that's it, that was my lucky day!
Until then,

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