

It was a month of crazy. Of ups and downs, of being close to just delete the whole thing, sit down in bed and cry because everything just sucked. But there were the moments that stood out: the first 10k, half time, the last 5k and not to forget, the feeling of having succeeded.
Of course I talk about NaNoWriMo.
Nanowrimo is something everone who's interested in writing should have experienced at least once in his or her life. It's a month full of nothing but writing, because there's just not enough time to do anything else. But that isn't a problem, because the reward you get after finishing is all the more fulfilling than anything else. You don't get a prize, no money, not even a cool shirt, all you get is your contentment and knowledge that you finished something you started in a minimal amount of time, because really, 30 days is not much to write 50.000 words. Especially not for a student who has to be in school most of the day.
But anyone can make it, as long as you have enough will power to push through it. If you start up saying you won't be able to make it to the end anyways, don't even bother starting, because with that attitude you sure won't. But if you say, let's do it and see where I'll end up, it's almost no burden to write the novel. Really, love the journey more than the prospect of success. Because it's true, the more you love the writing in itself, the less you care about whether you win or not. But only as long as you have a good attitude towards it.

So to anyone who wants to try it, DO! It's so worth it and I know already that I'm going to engage in this madness next year again.
Until then, xoxo

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