
I almost forgot!

HA, I almost forgot to post something this week, because there's simply nothing to talk about, really. Well... what can I write about...

OH, yes, I'm going to watch that totally awesome Glee Movie in 3d tomorrow, with my lovely friend Inga! I'm so excited about it and I'm pretty sure I'll start crying as soon as the lovely Mr. Darren Criss is to be seen on the screen. OMG, it's my dream to meet this person, because I honsetly believe him to be absolutely amazing. I'm sure he's a lovely person.
Anyway, I was getting distracted be the thought of him!

Is there anything else?
Well, Glee started again and I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that this episode was better than some from season 2 together. Everything about that episode was making me squeal. Honestly, you should have heard me! I think I woke some neighbors! (I was watching the episode at 4 o'clock in the morning, because of the time difference between America and Europe. Let's just say I was tired the next day... =))

Well, I think that's it for now,
see you guys next time,
until then

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