
Day of firsts

OMG guys, this day was not how I had expected it! It was, in its own way, amazing.

1) I'm normally the most prepared person when it comes to journeys or rides. Today however, it was nothing like that!
Like I told in the post before, I went to see the Glee movie today. To do that, me and my best friend had to ride to the next big city near us. So I made my way to the train station and had, in the end, two minuted to spare to get the train. This has NEVER happened to me before! I'm always over-punctual! Not so today, I wasn't.
Then, when we arrived at the central station, we had to take the underground to the movie theatre and I THOUGHT I knew which one we had to take. I didn't. We spent about 30 minutes for a ride that actually only took 5 minutes. Yes, I was a little embarrassed with myself. I honestly thought I knew the right way.

In the end we arrived at the right station and got to be at the theatre in time, though we had, again, only a little bit to get our tickets before they were given to others.
It was amazing. Truly amazing. There were tears. Several times. 'nuff said.

2) I have never before sat in a theatre and were able to give myself to the movie. Today I was. I squealed when ever I saw only a glimpse of Darren freaking Criss and sang to almost all the songs. It was an unbelievable experience. When the film ended, I really thought about staying put and watching it a second time. I want this movie to be my background music. I want this to play where ever I am.

3)The 3D experience was magical. I have watched HP 7.2 in 3D before, but it didn't feel this good at all. A few times I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I'm sure my heaven looks just like that.
It was as if all these amazing people were directly in front of me. Like, as if I could touch them. It's surreal. I mean, it was like they were right there, yet they are thousands of miles away.

All in all, this day was brilliant.

until then,

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