

First of all, Happy New Year!! Yay, I hope you all had a great New Years Eve and celebrated greatly. I for one had the best party EVER, even though I only celebrated with one other person, my best friend, Mia. We still enjoyed each and every moment of the night, singin karaoke, watching live streams from awesome people, eating lots and lots of food. Hell, we even gained new siblings, me an older brother, her an older and three younger brothers and a twin sister! Yeah, you don't really have to understand what I'm talking about, most of the time I don't understand myself, either.

What I actually wanted to talk about today were dreams. Lately I've been dreaming a lot and very weird things, confusing me every morning about what my subconscious wants me to tell. Don't you think it would be great to actually get to know what these dreams mean?
Also, what I noticed is that I only dream this weird things during storms. We have had very bad weather lately and everytime there is a big storm going on, my dreams are going rampant. I can actually remember them really clearly, with lots of details. For example, I still know the exact looks of a ring that played a major role in a dream about a week ago. Normally, I forget about what I dreamt the minute or at least hour after I woke up, but not so with this dreams. It's really weird...

Well, that's actually all I wanted to talk to you about. I hope you have a great day whatever you do. I for one am enjoying the rest of my holidays with doing my arts project for school, learning maths, because I suck at it and still have to take my exams in it in February and researching and writing fanfiction, my Nick and Rachel one, to be more clear. I actually gave in during NaNoWriMo and started writing it. I'm on my 7th chapter so far and it actually goes brilliantly. I love developing the characters we don't know much about and I really enjoy having them all interact, especially Rachel and the Warblers. It's just so funny... Well, anyway, maybe I will post it on my fanfiction some day, but so far I don't think I will... It's kind of my little treasure, to go back to and know that I'm the only one that knows exactly what is happening. Sure, I told Mia the gist of it, but she actually never read it, so only I really know everything. Plus, there is still so much in my head that can't be explained, so I have even more information for the background and only I can see the whole picture of this story.

Anyway, now I'm really going to end this,
until then, have fun!

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