
Pottermore, commence!

My bestie did this tag, so I do like her and will introduce me, HP-style:

  1. What's your Pottermore username? MidnightFeather168
  2. What House do you think it sounds like? Midnight=Darkness, Feather= makes me think of the colour green... Slytherin, definitely
  3. What House do you want to be in? I just got sorted... into Hufflepuff... First, I thought, okay, I can deal with that, now, I'm kind of freaked out, because I always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw... But it could have been worse, right? Could have been sorted into, urgh, Gryffindor!
  4. Does your username relate to you at all? Mehh, I have no problem with darkness and nights, also, I love to write, and what do you need to write in HP world, right, a quill=feather, so... yeah, I think so... Was definitely the best one of the few to choose from
  5. What kind of wand would you wish to get? Like I said(wrote) I was sorted, so I already have a wand. Mine's a 11 inch, Sycamore, with Unicorn hair as the core. Surprisingly swishy, also, what ever that might mean. Before getting this wand, I didn't even know there was a Sycamore tree, so, it's kinda unique, like me, right? I think it turned out pretty well.
  6. Are you pure, half-blooded or Muggle born? Pure Blood, without question.
  7. Which day did you get into Pottermore? I found the feather on day 5, didn't get my confirmation E-Mail until today, though. Really, I was getting desperate!
  8. What shape is your Patronus? It's either a cat that can scratch your eyes out, or a squirrel, because they are small and fast and intelligent. And cute.
  9. What does your boggart look like? O wow, either, it's the sight of all of the people that are important to me turning away from me, or earwigs... But I think it'd rather be the first...
  10. Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus? Metamorphmagus,maybe?! Really don't know...
  11. If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? A pygmy owl. They are cool. Owls in general are cool!
Okay, so that's all of the questions. I hope you enjoyed!!

until then,


Day of firsts

OMG guys, this day was not how I had expected it! It was, in its own way, amazing.

1) I'm normally the most prepared person when it comes to journeys or rides. Today however, it was nothing like that!
Like I told in the post before, I went to see the Glee movie today. To do that, me and my best friend had to ride to the next big city near us. So I made my way to the train station and had, in the end, two minuted to spare to get the train. This has NEVER happened to me before! I'm always over-punctual! Not so today, I wasn't.
Then, when we arrived at the central station, we had to take the underground to the movie theatre and I THOUGHT I knew which one we had to take. I didn't. We spent about 30 minutes for a ride that actually only took 5 minutes. Yes, I was a little embarrassed with myself. I honestly thought I knew the right way.

In the end we arrived at the right station and got to be at the theatre in time, though we had, again, only a little bit to get our tickets before they were given to others.
It was amazing. Truly amazing. There were tears. Several times. 'nuff said.

2) I have never before sat in a theatre and were able to give myself to the movie. Today I was. I squealed when ever I saw only a glimpse of Darren freaking Criss and sang to almost all the songs. It was an unbelievable experience. When the film ended, I really thought about staying put and watching it a second time. I want this movie to be my background music. I want this to play where ever I am.

3)The 3D experience was magical. I have watched HP 7.2 in 3D before, but it didn't feel this good at all. A few times I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I'm sure my heaven looks just like that.
It was as if all these amazing people were directly in front of me. Like, as if I could touch them. It's surreal. I mean, it was like they were right there, yet they are thousands of miles away.

All in all, this day was brilliant.

until then,


I almost forgot!

HA, I almost forgot to post something this week, because there's simply nothing to talk about, really. Well... what can I write about...

OH, yes, I'm going to watch that totally awesome Glee Movie in 3d tomorrow, with my lovely friend Inga! I'm so excited about it and I'm pretty sure I'll start crying as soon as the lovely Mr. Darren Criss is to be seen on the screen. OMG, it's my dream to meet this person, because I honsetly believe him to be absolutely amazing. I'm sure he's a lovely person.
Anyway, I was getting distracted be the thought of him!

Is there anything else?
Well, Glee started again and I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that this episode was better than some from season 2 together. Everything about that episode was making me squeal. Honestly, you should have heard me! I think I woke some neighbors! (I was watching the episode at 4 o'clock in the morning, because of the time difference between America and Europe. Let's just say I was tired the next day... =))

Well, I think that's it for now,
see you guys next time,
until then


Revelations chapter 17

Hey there,

here are some new pictures of Adele's clothing in chapter 17 of my story 'Revelation' on http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7209145/1/Revelations_Rewritten
If you don't know it yet, check it out if you like!!

First of, the top:

The skirt:

The sweater jacket:

The shoes:

The owl necklace:

The handbag:

The sunglasses:

All clothes, shoes and the sunglasses were found on topshop.com, the necklace and the hand bag were from accesorize.com. I do NOT own the pictures or items and I don't know if they are still available, because I found them some time ago.

until then,


I love this picture!!!

'nuff said! I think this is adorable!!
I think HE's adorable!!!
Gosh I'm in love with Darren Criss... *sigh*

until then, xoxo


End of an Era

Can a summer job change a person? At the beginning of this summer, I thought no way, that's not possible, but now?

Today was the last day at my summer job, selling souvenirs at our theatre. I never thought I'd have so much fun, make so many new friends and learn so many new things. But I did. And I wouldn't want to miss a single second of my three and a half months in my little store. We faced rain, much rain and cold winds, annoying little kids and their parents that just wouldn't stop nagging. But what didn't kill us only made us stronger as a team.
I don't know what I would have done had I worked some where else with different people, because people make an atmosphere feel good, nothing else.

The only thing I know I can say for sure is that this summer changed me for the better. I became more self-confident and sure in myself. I know now, that I can do everything, if I only want it. I believed in myself that, yes, I can face new people without knowing anyone and that yes, it's not bad to have your faults, because who hasn't. I was able to be myself and everyone accepted me the way I am. You can't always say that with the people that surround you on a daily basis, but the people I got to know in the last summer were all from the finest kind. Please don't ever change, okay?

So I'll just have to say, see you later, my dears from IV, until next year, when Winnetou starts saving the prairee again.

untill then, xoxo


OMG I'm soo bad at this

Really. Like, you would think that a person, who loves writing and reading like nothing else (well maybe except for tv shows, but that's another story!) could actually be able to maintain a freaking blog.
Well, I can't. And I'm honestly very very sorry for that. I suck.

But anyway. I am now pledging that I will at least try to post an entry once a week. I mean, it's my last year of school, there should be things to write about, no??

Today, for example, photos were taken from me and my class. At 2pm! Really, for some of my class mates, the school day had already ended at that time! Stupid photografer who can't even schedule properly...

Alright then, I try to get more up as soon as possible, if not, I give all of you permission to hunt me down and kick me in the butt!!!
xoxo <3