

It was a month of crazy. Of ups and downs, of being close to just delete the whole thing, sit down in bed and cry because everything just sucked. But there were the moments that stood out: the first 10k, half time, the last 5k and not to forget, the feeling of having succeeded.
Of course I talk about NaNoWriMo.
Nanowrimo is something everone who's interested in writing should have experienced at least once in his or her life. It's a month full of nothing but writing, because there's just not enough time to do anything else. But that isn't a problem, because the reward you get after finishing is all the more fulfilling than anything else. You don't get a prize, no money, not even a cool shirt, all you get is your contentment and knowledge that you finished something you started in a minimal amount of time, because really, 30 days is not much to write 50.000 words. Especially not for a student who has to be in school most of the day.
But anyone can make it, as long as you have enough will power to push through it. If you start up saying you won't be able to make it to the end anyways, don't even bother starting, because with that attitude you sure won't. But if you say, let's do it and see where I'll end up, it's almost no burden to write the novel. Really, love the journey more than the prospect of success. Because it's true, the more you love the writing in itself, the less you care about whether you win or not. But only as long as you have a good attitude towards it.

So to anyone who wants to try it, DO! It's so worth it and I know already that I'm going to engage in this madness next year again.
Until then, xoxo


On being a senior in school

Being a senior has good and bad sides to it. Really. At first you only see the cool things: You're allowed to leave school grounds have more freedom in what you do in class and are, best of all, the oldest in school, which should bring you some respect (not so in my school, it isn't! Gosh, I hate the 10-15 year olds, they are soo annoying!)
But then, yeah, when you actually are a senior, you see the stuff that's less good about the whole ordeal. Huge amounts of homework, subjects that are nearly not manageable, tests and exams upon tests and exams, all the teachers want you to be the best at their subject, and with 13 subjects this can become quite a hassle... And did I mention this brats that run around school, thinking they freaking own the place and are just plain rude to you. Yup, that's what you get from being a senior...

I for one am going to more that happy as soon as I gruaduate and move on to university. There, I won't be a senior anymore, and really, anything is better than being a senior!!


25k and counting

I really don't know if I told it on here, but I'm currently taking part in this thing called NaNoWriMo. It's a world wide event every year's November, where you attempt to write a novel in 30 days. It has to be at least 50.000 words. Which is a lot.
At first I thought I'd never make it. Sure, I write in my free time all I can, both Fanfiction and originals, but I always have a problem with finishing what I write.
When I started on the first of this month, I was promising myself not to stop with it. I have a nice story line with a few ups and downs, everything a good book needs. So I made myself a calender with nice and encouraging sentences for every day. And so far, it's going splendidly. I just reached the 25.000 word marker and I have a whole lot more of story line in my pretty little head. It's in my head, because I don't story board. I have problems with writing down rough drafts of what is supposed to happen and then actually writing it. It's just not my style...

What I actually just wanted to get out was that everyone can write a book, as long as you have a good idea and enough encouragement to pull through. Don't let yourself be told that you can't do it, because you're no trained writer. Really, every good novelist started out just like us, as an amateur.
So stay focused, as do I and finish that thing!!

Lots of love, encouragement and candy to devour
your Annie


adorable pictures to post while I'm too busy to write anything because I have to write an original in 30 freaking days! #4

I'm a nut case!

I just wanted to tell you this... I'm a nutter... I wrote 15.000 words in 6 days, listened to one song, ONE SONG (Uptown Girl, sung by Glee's Warblers), for a day, straight, and am now starting to listen to Christmas songs, because I'm in the mood for it... Also, I am haunted by this idea of a new fanficion, including these two people:

Yup, Lea Michele aka Rachel Berry, my role model, she's amazing! 


  Curt Mega aka Nick Duval, one of the Warblers... 
The one singing Uptown girl... *sigh*

I so want to write this fanfiction, because there's so much potential, because we don't know a lot about Nick... It would be EPIC!
But sadly, I have to write 35.000 more words until the end of the month and with all these tests coming up, I don't know where I will get the time to do it... Also, I have two other fanfictions going right now, I don't want to let them waiting only to start a new one... *sigh*... it would be so good, though...

Well, until then, I'm going to resume writing...