
TV's an obsession

Hey there,
so I just wanted to give you a list of TV-shows I already have watched or which I am currently watching.
So I start with the ones I already have watched, top to bottom, all seasons:

And here's the list of TV-shows I am currently watching:
-The Vampire Diaries
-7th heaven
-Gossip Girl

I guess I've forgotten some shows, but nevermind, as you can see, I LOVE watching TV-series.
Other shows I like to watch on TV, because all the listed shows I watch in the internet, are: SCRUBS, THE NANNY, MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, FULL HOUSE, HOUSE M.D., GREY'S ANATOMY, BONES, PRIVATE PRACTISE, FRIENDS,...
I could go on like this for forever, so I just stop now.

See you guys next time!


Time out, TV on

Because I have few days off school, I watch more TV shows. On the internet!
Today I watched a few episodes of the 3rd season of GREEK and a few episodes of '10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU' and I love both series.
I honestly think, I am addicted to so many shows but I can say, that GREEK is one of my very favorites. Together with LOST... and the Vampire Diaries... and SCRUBS... You see, I love TV shows!!

Soooo nice

Yesterday, when I was walking home from my appointment at the cinema, I walked through the woods and there is a really cute path. It's a little staircase and all around are trees and flowers and i love walking there. so here are some pictures...

Oh the lovely jobs!

Hey there,

so about a month ago, I aplied for a job at our local cinema. And soon after I was called, so I could tr out to work there. Everthing went fine and I really enjoyed the time I spend there. And obviously the boss liked me, too, because she told me to come back a week later to discuss everything. And I did what I was told. A week later I went back to the cinema, but only to find out, that the boss was in hospital. So I just thought, okay, I can come back a week later, when the had called me, what they said they were going to do. And I waited, and waited, but there was no call, so I asked a friend of mine, who works there also, what was going on. And she promised me to talk to the boss. And she did, because last Friday I got a call, I should come by the next Tuesday. So that was yesterday. And yesterday I did go to the cinema, only to find not a hint of the boss. They told me, I should come again later the day and I did. But when I came by again, there still was no boss. I kind of began to be pissed but I said to myself 'you want this job, you have to do what it takes' And I sat down and waited. Another 45 minutes!! And finally, the boss arived and we discussed everything. And I got the job. And now I'm happy again.

I was just pissed, because I was told to be there at a certain time and then I expect the other one to be there, too.

So okay, done with being mad!!

See ya!



Sorry, there was no entry yesterday... but I am sick. The positive I felt on Tuesday, the horrible I feel today! I wasn't even able to go to school today and that really sucked, 'cause I had to write a really important test today... So now I have to write it an other day, and usually the test for the rewrite-dates are more difficult...
So now, I will stay in bed for the rest of the day and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow, because I have to go to my grandma's funeral tomorrow. But I won't be able to go out dancing friday night and I was really looking forward to it...


Think positive and believe in you!!

In the last few days I noticed, that I was really feeling good and I was thinking absolutely positive. Earlier this day for example I had PE and we were trying out some new waveboards. In the beginning I was so scared I might fall, but then, I just left my anxiousness behind and jumped on that thing. And it worked! In the end of the lesson I even was able to stand and drive on that thing all alone! I was really proud of myself and when I got home by bike, I just drove the hill, where I usually have to push my bicycle, up. And it gave my such a boost in my positive feeling and thinking, I was feeling really good!

So what I was trying to say with it, don't underestimate yourself. You are a strong person and you can do things if you want to. Don't let anxiousness take over, you are way more powerful than it. There are always things you are scared of and that's completely normal, but don't let it take the lead of your life. I know what I'm talking about. I have a lot of anxiousness issues and it really isn't nice to loose the control of your life... It is really depressing to think every morning when you wake up 'this day's gonna be a great failure'. So don't let those issues stand in your way of being happy and successful!!
Better think of all the good and positive things about you and don't take negative critisism from people, you know they don't like you, to serious. Maybe, they are just jealous of character traits you have and they don't!!

So stay positive!!


It's picture time

I just want to show you my arts project I have to do for school... We have to make a poster about a topic we want and I decided to make a poster about my favorite Musical: A very Potter Musical. I don't know, if you know it, but it is also a 'Team Starkid'-production. Like the others projects of them, you can watch it on youtube. It is so funny, you definitely check it out! so the picture shows my poster.


I was at my community's church today and there a shot this photo... It's in the back of the church right next to a lake... I really love the church and everything around it. It's really peaceful there...


I wanna be a Starkid Ranger!!

I watch TV series and movies and musicals a lot!!
The thing I watched yesterday and today was the 'Team Starkid'-production 'Me and my dick' on Youtube. I hope a lot of you know this musical. It is simply hilarious and so well made. It was made by students of the University of Michigan and they really made the best out of it.
Well, the story of the musical is a bit weird, but who cares as long as you have great music and actors. They made it really worth watching. I have to say, it wasn't the first time I watched the musical, no, I think it was the 4th time, but you never get bored, there is always something new to notice...
Also check out the other stuff 'team starkid' made. You can watch all of their work on youtube.
So enjoy!!

Here is the link to their Youtube-account:

Nice home!

When I go to school or in town, I often come by a house with a really nice garden. It looks,, like they invested really much time into it. The picture shows a little part of the garden...