
30 books challenge #5

Hey there! I just finished my next book on my list. I was actually very prejudiced about it, because I had to read it for school, and normally I don't like the books I have to read in class, especially the ones we read in English. They always end up dissapointing me, because they are either really boring or I imagined them really different and don't like what they end up to be.
But not so with this book!

The book's called 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbowsky. It's about a fifteen years old boy called Charlie, who's going through puberty and becoming an adult, while being a little different from the norm.

When I read the first few pages, I noticed that it was fairly easy written and you didn't need to think much about what you were reading, because you just understood everything, even as a non native speaker. Over the course of the book the style in writing changes though, at least that's what I got the impression of, probably because the main character develops into a more confident person, so his thoughts are more complex as well. The book is written in the form of letters, by the way, a thing I had to accostum myself to, because I normally don't read books written like that.

Also the subject of the book was very interesting, especially seeing someone grow up to who he ends up to be in such an inordinary way. I really liked the fact that you didn't get to know everything in the first place and you have to read further to actually learn everything.

All in all, I think this book is definitely worth giving it a try and I wouldn't mind reading it a second time!

4 stars out of 5

Fun thing: The book was written by the same person who wrote the screen play for the film version of one of my favorite musicals, 'Rent'.

other books I read:
- Queer Greer, by A. J. Walkley
books to read until I'm done with the challenge: 25 


If I owned Glee... #1

Okay, so this is going to be a new category. I think you all know that I am in LOVE with Glee and everything about is, so I thought it would be cool to start this kind of thing. You know, only because it's my favorite TV show of all times doesn't mean I'm happy with all of the things happening. So I will now start listing what I would do, if I owned Glee! Commence!
  • Rachel and Finn would NEVER be together. Okay, I have to admit, they are kinda cute at the moment, what with all the proposal stuff etc. but still, I just think they don't really match too well. Rachel would always have to give up things or dreams to be with Finn. I mean, do you really think Rachel can become the big Broadway star that she wants to be with Finn hanging onto her? I think not.

  • Jesse St. James would not vanish from sight without any notice. They did it twice already! I mean, in the first season you could understand why he wasn't there anymore, because he was heading to college, but he just vanished after season 2 without any explanation. For all we know, he could have been shipped off to who knows where or been abducted by aliens!

  • The Warblers would have major screen time! PREACH! I love the Warblers, personally I think they are the best that ever happened to Glee. I mean, who doesn't like dapper prep school boys, huh? With Blaine leaving the Warblers, the boys left kind of, too, except for the odd episode that they are involved with and it's a shame, really. I think you could make so much with them, it would fill episode after episode.

  • Sebastian would not be such an asshole. Okay, I know, every show needs a good-looking villain and I'm not against Sebastian being a douche, it makes me like him more, even, but the way he progressed into this really mean person really goes against all I like. He should be douchy, yes, but not outright cruel!

  • Okay, this one is, like, totally hypothetical, because this won't ever happen, but I want Rachel to be with Nick the Warbler. I mean, they are just perfect for each other. And I don't know if the actual writers have noticed, but the way they cut Wednesday's episode made me believe there was something between those two. Cutting from Rachel pointing towards the boys to a close up on Nick, looking a little beat down (because they had a fight before, obviously, because Rachel wanted Nick to step up and do something about the problem that is Sebastian) makes my fanfiction-writer heart just melt into nothingness! Believe me, you will notice some things when you watch the episodes with the focus on those two! 

Alright, I think that's it for now, but I'll make sure to continue with this.  Maybe there will happen things in the upcoming episodes that I don't like and want to do better and you are the first to know!

Until then,
keep watching!