
Revelations 1-15

As promised, I am going to start posting pictures of my character's outfits from now on on this blog, so let's begin.

First of all the older pictures, that I already had posted on my account:

Aurora's wedding dress:

I found this dress at www.shopofbrides.com

Adéle's dress for her birthday:

Just imagine a dress like this, only the bodice is white as well and the skirt has a flowery like print on it. Also it has a waist belt, though Adéle wore it without the belt...

Now for the newest pictures: chapter 15+16

Adéle's outfit:

You can find both the shorts and the blouse at forever21.com.

The shoes I found at couture.zappos.com, it's a shoe shop with designer shoes, these are by Marc Jacobs.

Last but not least, the handbag:

That's it for now, I'll update this as soon as often

until then,